Capability and Cost Assessments

Reveal the value for money your organisation may be receiving from its systems as well as the potential for future use.

"Is this really what we need?"

Leaders have come to us asking this question many times. They are unsure about the technology platform their organisation is using or considering. They feel the advice being given by an internal team or external supplier may not be quite right. They feel a project or software platform is simply not good value.


At these points, a capability and cost assessment can give you a clear, impartial view of the suitability of software, platforms, and suppliers.


Our assessments will accomplish these objectives for you:

Review of the skills and competencies within your organisation to understand the best projects and platforms for your current teams.
Are the security measures being used sufficient to offset the increased risk of using multiple devices and networks?
Is the organisation receiving the best value through its flexible working systems?

The purpose of a capability and cost assessment is to be clear about what your organisation is doing now, could do in the future, and the cost of these operations.

You can visit our other service pages to discover how we can bring clarity, progress, and calm to your organisation.

If you’d just rather speak to someone, then call us. We would love to chat with you and get started quickly.

Other Review services:

Flexible Working Assessments

Assist your organisation in its move to remote working during the current difficulties due to COVID-19.

Security and Risk Reviews

Bring security risks to light so defensive and mitigation measures can be implemented.

Due Diligence Reports

Helping buyers and sellers receive maximum value through clear reporting of the state of tech in the organisation.

Proposal Reviews

Examination of specific initiatives or proposals to make the potential value and difficulties clear to everyone.

IT Service Review

Establish facts and provide top-level recommendations as a starting point for digital transformation.