The client is one of the UK’s leading private schools who recognised the need to invest to improve the digital teaching and learning experience within the school but were unsure as to the best way to proceed to ensure the best outcome at the best value.
We worked with the wider school community including teachers, admin staff and pupils to understand the thoughts about the existing IT provision within the organisation as well what would be a culturally appropriate way for this traditional organisation to introduce modern technology to the classroom.
The feedback was then collated and reviewed and following further consultations with the senor leadership team, it was agreed that enabling all teaching staff with highly portable devices, in this case Microsoft Surface, would enable a much more flexible approach to classroom and non-classroom teaching.
In addition, new WiFi and a move of core services to Office 365 ensured that the teaching staff had access to all key systems wherever they where on campus.
With the removal of the old desktops in the corner of the classrooms, increased space and flexibility in the classrooms became a valuable aid to teaching.
(C) 2020 - D-Drop Consulting Ltd